--- About January 2022 BasiliskII and SheepShaver keycodes files. --- These keycodes files are compatible with January 2022 or later BasiliskII and SheepShaver builds compiled from kanjitalk755/macemu source. - File names - "BasiliskII_keycodes" is usually used with BasiliskII and "keycodes" with SheepShaver. But these files are identical and each can be used with both BasiliskII and SheepShaver. - ISO or ANSI keyboard - Most keyboards are either ANSI (or similar) or ISO (or similar) keyboards. You can recognise the keyboard type by the shape of the Return key. On ANSI keyboards the key is a horizontal bar, on ISO keyboards the key has the shape of a "L" upside down. - Keyboard Type and Key Caps - Not necessary, but it is convenient to have the Key Caps application in the guest System/MacOS (see Apple menu) show a layout that matches your actual keyboard. That way you can find less usual characters more easily. In BasiliskII and SheepShaver the Key Caps layout defaults to an ISO keyboard. You can change that to an ANSI layout in Caps Lock by adding the following line to the BasiliskII or SheepShaver prefs file: keyboardtype 2 You will again get an ISO layout in Caps Lock when you change that line to: keyboardtype 5 - Top-left key issue - Without a keycodes file, BasiliskII and SheepShaver default to ANSI keyboard behaviour, but the keycodes files assume an ISO keyboard. The rationale behind this choice is that a keycodes file is not needed with a North American English keyboard layout and that North American English users normally use an ANSI keyboard, while in Europe and Latin America most users use an ISO (or similar ABNT) keyboard. If you use a keycodes file with an ANSI keyboard, the top-left key will not produce the expected characters. This can be corrected by editing the keycodes file: Look for the line: 53 10 # ` and change it to: 53 50 # ` Ronald P. Regensburg. Amsterdam, 13 January 2022.